Tuhfe Göçmen’s opinion article highlights “Workforce Challenges in Wind Industry”

A recent opinion article by Tuhfe Göçmen, Senior Researcher at DTU Wind and Energy Systems and Project Coordinator of DigiWind, highlights a critical labor shortage facing the wind industry — a potential obstacle to achieving Denmark’s green transition goals. Published on October 3rd on the DTU website, the article emphasizes the need for rapid upskilling to support the industry’s future growth and digitalisation.

While Denmark’s wind energy capacity has increased substantially, Tuhfe Göçmen warns that investment in skilled labor has lagged. With over 500.000 additional professionals required across Europe by 2030, the need for advanced skills is immediate. “Digital skills are crucial,” she notes, as technologies like high-performance computing, digital twins, and AI become essential for optimizing wind energy operations and driving sustainable growth.

The DigiWind project is tackling these workforce challenges by offering fully online digital education programmes, allowing engineers, technicians, and newcomers to gain critical competencies in emerging digital technologies. This virtual approach enables scalable, cross-border training for both new and existing professionals, equipping them to lead in the digital transformation of the energy sector.

Tuhfe Göçmen calls on companies to prioritise workforce upskilling, stressing that the wind industry’s future depends on collaborative investment in education. “Only by working together,” she concludes, “can we secure the qualified workforce needed to meet climate goals.”

For more details, read the full article on DTU’s website.